Addition of static headers, logo height and full width

We’re excited to introduce three powerful features that will help you take your website design to the next level:

  • Static Headers
  • Custom Logo Heights
  • Full Width

1. Static Headers:

Static Headers are like the pillars of your website, providing a strong and consistent foundation for your content. With this feature, your website’s header (the top part of your site) will remain in place as your visitors scroll down the page. It’s like having a signpost that’s always visible, making it easy for your audience to navigate your site, find important information, or access your menu without scrolling back to the top.

Why Static Headers Matter:

  • Enhanced Navigation: Static Headers make it effortless for your visitors to move around your site, no matter how long the page is.
  • Professional Look: They give your website a polished and modern appearance, adding to the overall user experience.
  • Easy Access: Important links or buttons, like your contact or shopping cart, remain easily accessible to your visitors at all times.

2. Custom Logo Heights:

Your logo is a vital part of your brand identity, and it deserves to stand out. With Custom Logo Heights, you have full control over the size of your logo. It’s like choosing the perfect frame for a piece of art – you get to decide how prominent your logo should be on your website. Whether you want it to be big and bold or more understated, the choice is yours.

Why Custom Logo Heights Are Important:

  • Brand Recognition: A well-sized logo ensures that your visitors instantly recognize your brand.
  • Design Flexibility: You can match your logo’s size to your overall design aesthetic.
  • Personalization: Custom Logo Heights give your website a unique and personalized touch.

3. Full Width:

Full Width is like expanding your canvas, allowing your website content to stretch across the entire width of the screen. It’s perfect for showcasing visuals, images, and videos in all their glory. With Full Width, your website will look stunning on both desktop and mobile devices, providing a seamless and immersive experience for your visitors.

Why Full Width Is a Game Changer:

  • Visual Impact: Full Width allows you to create striking and visually captivating sections on your website.
  • Responsive Design: Your content will adapt beautifully to different screen sizes, ensuring a consistent experience for all users.
  • Storytelling: It’s an ideal choice for telling engaging stories or presenting impressive visuals.

How to Implement These Features:

Using Static Headers, Custom Logo Heights, and Full Width in Vzy is as easy as pie.
In your website editor,

  1. Select the header section
  2. Click on style
  3. Select section background and edit to suit your style.

Hi Ifee! I would like to choose “full width” for my site, but on style in the header section is no possibility to select “section background”.

By the way, what are the function of “sticky”, “auto hide”, “float”, “shadow”, “border”, “glass” and “scroll indicator”?
Best regards

Hello dozentenpool24,

In the header style, it is “Fill Width,” not “Full Width.” Section background is not available for the header.

Here are the functions of the various options:

  • Width: Options like “Fill” and “Fit” control how the header’s width behaves relative to the screen or content area—whether it stretches to fill the space or fits the content width.
  • Sticky: This toggle, when turned on, makes the header stay at the top of the screen even as you scroll down the page.
  • Float: This allows the header to float over the content, likely having a certain transparency or appearing only when needed.
  • Shadow: Toggling this on adds a shadow effect to the header, helping it stand out over the content.
  • Border: This option adds a border around the header, which can be used to visually separate it from other parts of the page.
  • Glass: This gives the background of the header a frosted glass look.
  • Scroll Indicator: This feature adds a visual indicator on the header to show progress as you scroll through the page.

Overall, this interface allows you to customize various aesthetic and functional aspects of a webpage’s header, making it suit your specific design needs and preferences.

Best regards,
Vzy Team

O.K., thank you for the explanation. And what does “auto hide” do?

Hello dozentenpool24,

In the context of the website design settings you’ve shown, “Auto Hide” refers to an option for the header of the website. When “Auto Hide” is enabled, the header of the website will automatically disappear (hide itself) when a user scrolls down the page. Conversely, when the user scrolls up, the header will reappear. This feature is often used to maximize screen space for content viewing, especially on devices with smaller screens, and to create a cleaner, more focused user experience.

Best regards,
Vzy Team