Can we be able to embed something in our Blog Post?

Hi I have created a podcast and I used VZY to create my simple lightweight website.

Now I want to create a post where I will put some of the key insights from the podcast, however…

I cannot embed the podcast episode on my post, like…

My post will have the podcast player for that particular episodes.
Thank you so much team!

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I respectfully request that the team at VZY consider implementing this feature.

@vzy Love to see this in action. :slight_smile: Let us embed something on our Blog Post Please!


Thank you for your suggestion and for using Vzy for your podcast website! Currently, our platform doesn’t support direct embedding within blog posts, but your feedback is invaluable as we aim to enhance our features. We will definitely consider implementing podcast embedding capabilities to enrich blog posts. Your enthusiasm for improving Vzy is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to potentially including this feature in future updates.

Best regards,
Vzy Team

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Still looking out for this. :slight_smile:

Thanks, Amazing Team!

Hello SEO_Dad,

Thank you for your kind words. The Vzy platform allows you to embed links from popular audio and video sharing sites like YouTube, Vimeo, and SoundCloud. If your podcast is audio or audiovisual, you can upload it to YouTube, Vimeo, or SoundCloud and embed it into your Vzy site.

Best regards,
Vzy Team

Thanks Christopher!

However I can do it in blogs, for pages yes but for blogs? Is there a way?

Hello SEO_Dad,

Yes, you can embed links in both pages and blog posts on the Vzy platform. If your podcast is audio or audiovisual, you can upload it to YouTube, Vimeo, or SoundCloud and then embed the link into your blog post.

For detailed instructions, please watch the screen recording we created: How to Embed Links.

Best regards,
Vzy Team