Blog with AI, Page Templates, Gallery Section, and more updates

Our January 2024 release is here with exciting updates! Now on Vzy, you can enjoy AI-powered blogging for effortless article creation, 30 page templates in the editor, and an enhanced Gallery block with a zoom feature. Let’s dive in the details!

Create blog posts with AI

We made an initial release of Posts in Vzy in December 2023 and we have made improvements to allow all users to (re)write blog posts using AI. Posts are automatically styled with your website’s theme so you can focus on creating content in our distraction-free editor. You can have posts in published and draft mode and easily manage each post right on your desktop and mobile browser.

Page Templates

Our most requested feature is creating more pages with AI. We are one step closer to achiveing this with Page Templates. We believe that the most efficient AI integration is a human-ai collaboration so we have done our research to integrate up to 30 templates (more incoming) to guide the AI in generating conversion optimised pages to grow your bsuienss and make your work easier.

Add Section

We moved ‘add section’ to the left sidebar for an improved experience for new and existing blocks. You can now add Posts and Gallery to your website pages as well as Heroes, Embeds, Cards, Lists, Accordions, Pricing, Testimonials and Text.

Gallery Section

You can now showcase images in various column and grid layouts. Images will zoom when clicked on your website ensuring an impressive gallery experience.


We redesigned the Design theme section to showcase all 30 AI themes and a simple tab to customize any selected theme. Now you can have a clean preview of the Title and Body font for each theme and the shape of the button links on the themes.

Auto Redirects

For paid customers with custom domains, now your free Vzy domain automatically redirects to your custom domain so your brand is always showcased in the best way.


Can I set Who writes articles in languages other than English

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Hello @Sumo-Ling6 welcome, we will take this as an idea for the forum. We are introducing editable authors for each post so you will be able to set the author for each post.

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You guys are crushing it; keep up the good work!


@Phillip Thank you so much!!!