Design button does not work

when I press on the left button meant to lead to design options, it doesn’t work.
a screenshot is attached.

Hello Katherine_Medin,

We reviewed this and everything works perfectly. Please watch the screen recording we created showing that everything is functioning as expected.

If the issue persists, please clear your cache, log out, log back in, and try again. Please confirm and update us.

Best regards,
Vzy Team

I’m sorry. I did everything you aksed, but it still doesn’t work. I made a screen recording video, to show you the problem, but it doesnt let me upload it here. do you have a mail I can send it to?

Hello Katherine_Medin,

We will review the site and the issue you’re experiencing with the design options button. We will update you as soon as possible after reviewing the provided information.

Best regards,
Vzy Team

Hello Katherine_Medin,

Please send the screen recording video to so we can review it and update you accordingly.

Thank you for your patience.

Best regards,
Vzy Team

I sent it to the requested mail.

Thank you for sending the video.

We have received it and are currently reviewing the issue. We will update you as soon as possible.

Best regards,
Vzy Team

still can’t use the design feature…

Hello Katherine_Medin,

We are still reviewing this issue as it appears to be specific to your Vzy site. We will update you very soon.

Best regards,
Vzy Team

We have reviewed and resolved this issue. Please confirm and update us.

Best regards,
Vzy Team

Yes. now it works. Thank you!

Hello Katherine_Medin

You are welcome. Have a nice day!

Best regards,
Vzy Team