Dynamic data, archives and custom fields

The posts are a good addition, but they need a structured blog or posts page, as well as an option to dynamically populate card or list sections inline on the page. Additionally, it would make sense to have an option for custom post types and custom fields for true CMS functionality.


Hi @zekeducker thanks for this suggestion. We are working on the post block to allow you render your posts as a card or list within another page or a blog landing page.

We also have a few integrations for CMS on the way to allow flexibility.

Can you please investigate the option to use apps like Notion or Airtable as a CMS like you can with other builders such as Super.so or Softr.io (Webflow also can do this).

Both of these tools also have pretty big communities of users which would help Vzy appeal to the evangelists of these platforms.

Here’s an example of how it can be done with Airtable and Webflow:


Thanks for sharing @zekeducker. We have already starting researching this.