Editable Site not Synced with Published Site

One of my sites called DeeTours is connected to my deetours.us custom domain successfully. I made a significant amount of edits to the home page and published them. When I go to deetours.us, the changes I made are represented there on the page, but when I got to vzy[dot]co to see my websites and edit that one, the editing interface shows me the website as it was originally generated, without the changes I made. It seems there are two versions of my website, and the editor is not showing the most updated version. Help!

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Hello @Tim_Goree Try to republish your site after making these changes and reload your browser on all devices or wherever you have vzy.co open.

I am having this same issue. My website url shows a tarrot card website which i don’t own.

Same issue here. The edited version is saved from previous sessions but the recently published version shows a much older version before the edits were made.

I’ve refreshed everything and re-published many times but it’s not working.

Please advise.


The Vzy editor always reflect the latest version of your website as seen live on your custom domain. Please verify this and confirm if the editor now displays the recent changes you’ve made. If the problem persists, let us know so we can further investigate.

Best regards,
Vzy Team