Invite collaborators to edit or view your site

The Collaborate feature will allow for easy addition of team members / clients with clear permission settings (Can edit, Can view, Owner).

You’ll be able to:

:sparkles: Invite teammates to join your site project with a simple email invite.
:lock: Assign roles with tailored access levels – from ‘Can Edit’ to ‘View Only’.
:control_knobs: Easily manage permissions on the fly for full control over your project.
:handshake: Strengthen team cooperation with seamless, in-platform collaboration.

Stay tuned as we work hard to make Vzy as intuitive and easy as possible!


This has been extremely beneficial for me, as I have been contemplating for the past few weeks whether if only I can actually achieve this in VZY.


Thanks for the feedback!

Any updates on when this feature will be available? Looking forward to it!

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Hello John_Jay_Thomas,

We are actively working on this feature and aim to release it by the end of June 2024. We are hopeful that it may be available as early as May 2024. We appreciate your enthusiasm and look forward to bringing you this new functionality!

Best regards,
Vzy Team


Could you please provide us with an update on the upcoming feature releases? Will it be possible for you to launch them this month?
Can I transfer ownership of the site using this feature as well? I got a requirement of this for some reason.


We released an update on June 4th, 2024, which you can view Vzy Updates : Latest Features & Improvements We are still working on the “Collaborate” feature, and it will not be possible for us to launch it this month. The “Collaborate” feature will be ready soon. We will consider and decide whether you can transfer ownership of the site using this feature. You can check Vzy Updates : Latest Features & Improvements to stay updated on our latest updates and releases.

Best regards,
Vzy Team

Still waiting for this update. Can you share some details? like the expected launch date.

I think they are still working on that feature

Hi Cristian_Paul,

We’re still working on the collaboration feature, and you’ll be notified when it’s ready here: Vzy Updates : Latest Features & Improvements We just released an update on July 30, 2024, with lots of exciting features. You can check it out at the same link! Stay tuned for more updates.

Hi Dominic_Marizu,

Yes, we’re still working on the collaboration feature, and you’ll be notified once it’s ready here: Vzy Updates : Latest Features & Improvements