Rounded corners

Just the ability to control de corners of pictures and maybe for textbox and other border suitable to be customized with rounded or straight border. That is a really easy way to change the look and feel of a website.

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Go to design, then click on customize. You will see shape in the options. You can choose your preferred corner from there.
I hope this helps.

Yes, I saw it, it’s a general change and is cool for sure, but it changes pictures and buttons all together. I mean to have the option to edit each one, with rounded border in the future you can not make any collage or masonry module for gallery ( i will add it to ideas :smiley: ) because rounded border make it looks weird, so in order to make it you need to force all borders straight, if we have the ability to round corners for button or for pictures… we multiply the options of customization in an easy way.

Hello Sumo-Ling5,

Thank you for your feedback! We appreciate your suggestion to enhance our platform by allowing users to customize the corners of pictures, text boxes, and other borders with rounded or straight edges. It’s great to hear that you see the potential for expanding customization options in this way. We’ll definitely consider implementing this feature to provide users with more flexibility in designing their websites. Your input is valuable in shaping the future development of our platform.

Best regards,
Vzy Team