Ability to make a Review site

We already have testimonials, it just needs a small tweak (for price hunt and stars) and a table of content (We can use blog to make the proper review), to be able to make a review site. You will the first of your kind, none of your competitors has something similar. The only way to make a review site is through WordPress.

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Leveraging the blog feature for detailed reviews is a smart approach to providing in-depth content. Can you provide link examples?

We think the reviews block could help people collect reviews from their customers.

Sure, using the blog its a wise movement. Its just need something to add prices and stars, something like this: Cinemax Laser D2-W Projector: A Revelation in Visual Technology – Electronics Rating

The reviews block is ok, for future ecommerce is mandatory. But i was not talking about only for reviews that be colected from customers. I mean review in order to create and develop a rating (or review) site and be able to add points, or starts or whatever to better communicate if the product is good or not and why.

Sorry if im not explianing ok, english is not my first language.

Maybe Rating Site is more correct in English


Hello @Sumo-Ling5 , Please can you share more details about this

Sure, there is a template for Wordpress called Jnews: JNews - WordPress Newspaper Magazine Blog AMP Theme by jegtheme | ThemeForest

That template is specific to make a rating site as i added the links of example in a previous post. Basically, you have a module to add stars, points or bars that you can set up different scores, then other module to add prices, a link and a small picture in order to add as example amazon logo with the affiliate link, so you can compare the prices of each place. And then is basically a blog, because you just need a space to add one or more pictures and rich text to add the explanation of the product and why you give that score.

The main opportunity I think is that no one except WordPress has this kind of service, you will be able to surpass any competitor. In my end I manage 2 rating sites and for me, it will be perfect if I have it here than on WordPress, I hate to be constantly updating modules and cores and praying to avoid any problem.

I attached a screenshot and added green arrows to important sections.

Hello Sumo-Ling5,

Thank you for providing such detailed insight into your vision for enhancing our platform. Your idea to create a review site within our platform is intriguing, and it’s exciting to hear that we could potentially be pioneers in this space.

We understand the need for a flexible review system that allows for customization of ratings, prices, and other relevant information. Your suggestion to utilize the blog feature for reviews while incorporating elements like star ratings and price comparisons is a strategic move that aligns well with our platform’s capabilities.

The JNews template for WordPress seems to offer a comprehensive solution for building a rating site, and we’ll definitely explore how we can integrate similar features into our platform. Providing a seamless and user-friendly experience for managing and publishing reviews, along with the ability to compare prices and share affiliate links, could be a game-changer for our users.

We appreciate your feedback and will carefully consider how we can implement these enhancements to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Your insights are invaluable as we continue to evolve and improve our platform. Thank you for sharing your expertise and ideas with us!

Best regards,
Vzy Team