Link for Next and Previous blog posts

Hopefully we could add the link for Next and Previous blog posts when in the actual post itself. At the moment, the only option is keep on going back to the blog page to see the full list.


Hello samsastrology,

Thank you for sharing your suggestion to enhance our platform. Adding Next and Previous links within individual blog posts is indeed a practical idea that can improve the user experience and navigation efficiency.

By implementing this feature, users will be able to seamlessly navigate between blog posts without having to return to the main blog page repeatedly. This enhancement will streamline the browsing experience and encourage users to explore more content within our platform.

We’ll take your suggestion into consideration as we continue to refine and improve our platform’s functionality. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we appreciate your contribution to making our platform even better.

Thank you once again for your idea, and please don’t hesitate to share any further suggestions or feedback you may have in the future. We’re committed to delivering an exceptional user experience, and your input helps us achieve that goal.

Best regards,
Vzy Team