Non-formatted pages on live site?!

Help! My site that was previously working fine is now displaying non-formatted screens!

Web address is: but some of the pages are displaying non-formatted pages, like: Home Build Solutions | Constructional Fixing Services

What is going on?.. VERY URGENT!!


Hello Steve,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We understand the urgency of the issue. It seems like some of your pages are displaying non-formatted content. We will investigate this immediately and update you as soon as possible.

Best regards,
Vzy Team

Hi Steve,

We have reviewed and resolved the issue with your site displaying non-formatted screens. Please check the pages and confirm that everything is now working correctly. If you encounter any further issues, please update us.

Best regards,
Vzy Team

Thanks very much. May I ask what caused the issue and will it occur for other sites?

You’re welcome. We were updating the platform, which caused some temporary glitches. It did not occur for other sites. The issue has been resolved and should not occur again.

Best regards,
Vzy Team