Live site display corrupted

Please have a look at this homepage, which is not displaying correctly

It is properly configured in the CMS, and nobody has even touched the content copy nor tempered with CSS.

Please can we arrange for a refund asap because this is now the second major Vzy CMS issue (other one remains unresolved after two weeks). I had clients for whom I was going to set up websites for on this platform but unfortunately it’s a shaky tool

Looking forward to your prompt response. Please do not delete this message

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We want to assure you that your complaint has been escalated to our senior support team. Your website will be thoroughly reviewed, and we are committed to resolving the issue as quickly as possible.

We appreciate your patience and will keep you updated on the progress.

Best regards,
Vzy Team

Still waiting on this

Hi Sumo-Ling26,

Thanks for your patience! We’re still reviewing the issue on our end and will update you very soon. Please hang tight, and we appreciate your understanding as we work to get this resolved for you.

in the meantime, I deleted this website as well.

Hi Sumo-Ling26,

Thanks for the update! After you deleted the site, did you try to create a new one? If you did, is the homepage of the new site displaying correctly, or are you experiencing the same thing? Please let us know so we can assist you further.

Looking forward to your response!