Open in new Tab

Greetings, Thank you for making such an ease of use webpage builder. I am having a challenge with the links in my footer. I have set them to open a link in a new tab, but they still open within the same window. Please advise.
Thanks so much!

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@Sumo-Ling11 Please confirm you linked it properly, republish your site and try again.

Hi Ifee,
I just tried again and still no success. This has to do with my Privacy, Terms and Cookies links in the footer. After I select weppage, I add the link and move the toggle switch to Open in New Tab, then Publish. Upon reviewing the site in Safari, Chrome and Orion… emptying cache and refreshing the pages, still no success.
I have noticed when I refresh the Vzy webuilder page and I go back into inspect these links, the toggle is switched off.
Question, is this feature to open in another tab for internal links only? I am using an external link.
Thank you so much for your time.

Still waiting for a response on this please. This is for the privacy, terms and cookies links in the footer of
Thanks so much!

Hello Jerry,

Thank you for your kind words. We have fixed the issue with the links in your footer. Now, when you click on the Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Cookie Policy links on your website, each link opens in a new tab as you desired. Please check to confirm that everything is working correctly on your end.

Best regards,
Vzy Team