Duplicate does not work

I tried to cuplicate my site fng723.vzy.io, but it does not work.
But I can duplicate other sites. I have no idea why it doesn’t work for fng723.vzy.io.
Please have a look.
Best wishes

Following…I’m having the same issue for my site as well.

Hi Nadja,

Thanks for reaching out! We’ve reviewed things on our end, and everything seems to be working fine. It’s odd that you’re able to duplicate other sites but not this one. Could you please share a screen recording showing the issue when trying to duplicate your site? That will help us understand what might be going wrong, and we’ll be happy to review it and update you.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Hi Sumo-Ling28,

Thanks for letting us know! We’ve checked things on our end, and everything appears to be working fine. To help us get to the bottom of this, could you please share your website URL, email, and a screen recording showing the issue? That way, we can review it in detail and provide you with an update.

Looking forward to sorting this out for you!

Hi Christoph,
today I tried it again and a duplication of this site worked.
Best wishes!

Great to hear that it worked this time! You’re very welcome, and thanks for keeping me updated.