Duplicate without user-selected canonical

Hi All. Looking for some advice.

Every site I have launched to-date has been with a www. prefix. When setting up custom domain, followed VZY instructions, i.e. A records for both www. and @ to point to BUT when Google Console indexed the site(s), the following error comes up:

New reason preventing your pages from being indexed. Search Console has identified that some pages on your site are not being indexed due to the following new reason: Duplicate without user-selected canonical. If this reason is not intentional, we recommend that you fix it in order to get affected pages indexed and appearing on Google.

Any ideas as I assume I am doing something wrong?..


Anyone got any ideas please as this is impacting several client websites now…

Any updates please as it’s been 3 months since I raised this and still a problem?..

Hello Sigoti,

We are actively working on resolving the issue you reported. We appreciate your patience and will ensure to update you as soon as we have made significant progress or resolved the issue. Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,
Vzy Team