Hero-Template right-aligned picture

Hi there!
Is it possible to place a right-aligned picture in a hero template?

I can change the height, but the align section only affects the text part on the left site of our page.
Best regards!

Hello dozentenpool24,

Thank you for reaching out. We will review this and update you accordingly.

Best regards!
Vzy Team

Hello dozentenpool24,

Yes, it is possible! To place a right-aligned picture in a hero template, you can follow these steps:

  1. Select Banner Style 4: This style typically allows for right-aligned images in the hero section.

  2. Upload or Select Your Image: Choose an image that you want to place on the right side of the hero section.

  3. Adjust Height and Alignment: You can change the height of the image in the hero section as needed. The alignment options affect the text and forms in the banner section.

  4. Preview and Publish: Make sure to preview your changes to ensure the image appears correctly aligned on the right side of the hero section.

Please view this image to see the Banner Style 4;

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance with specific adjustments, feel free to provide more details or screenshots. This will help us assist you more effectively!

Best regards,
Vzy Team