How to add a custom domain to your Vzy website

Adding a custom domain to your Vzy website not only boosts your brand’s professional image but also makes your site more memorable and accessible to visitors. Follow these steps to set up a custom domain for your Vzy site:

  1. Upgrade to a Pro or Basic Plan:
    Ensure you’re on either the Vzy Basic or Pro plan, as custom domains are a feature of these paid plans.

  2. Open Settings:
    On a desktop, locate and click the ‘Settings’ icon on the left panel. On a mobile device, tap ‘Settings’ in the bottom menu.

  3. Open Site Settings:
    Within Site Settings, scroll to the bottom for the option labeled ‘Custom domain’.

  4. Type Your Custom Domain:
    Click on `‘Custom domain’ and enter your domain name (previously purchased) that you wish to use for your website.

  5. Click Continue:
    After entering your domain, click ‘Continue’ to proceed with the setup.

  6. Obtain DNS Records:
    Vzy will provide you with a DNS record necessary to link your domain.

  7. Update DNS at Domain Provider:
    Log into the account of your domain provider where your custom domain is registered.
    Type the provided DNS record in the exact format given by Vzy.

  8. Wait for the Connection to Complete:
    After updating your DNS settings, the connection between your Vzy site and your custom domain will be established, typically within a few hours.

By adding a custom domain to your Vzy site, you enhance your online presence and make your site stand out with a unique and professional web address.

How to Use Cloudflare with Your Vzy site

CleanShot 2023-12-15 at 11.39.46
Setting up Cloudflare with your custom domain on Vzy is easy.

Disable the proxy for the Vzy records in your DNS settings. Once you do this, please allow a few hours for the changes to take effect, and your domain should be active and connected.